Showing 8 Result(s)

What is Good Math Teaching

This one is a DENSE read as it’s the actual study methodology and findings, but is absolutely fascinating, as it delves into the messy work of trying to determine what exactly is “good” math teaching, including addressing the surprising finding that some teachers who have high ratings of engagement by learners have lower math scores …

Man in a suit with text of Follow Me!

Leadership reflections

What makes an excellent #leader or manager? This is something I’m reflecting on today as a leader/mentor for me recently retired/moved. He was an incredible leader, but why? What made him so different from the several before him? He checked in often. He would actually seek people out. Not to critique, not to give you tasks, just …

VLAB Edtech Panel

Trello board of EdTech resources

I’m definitely a podcast junkie. I listen to so many wonderful ones. The EdTech ones always share fabulous resources. Eventually I had a full bookmarks area of EdTech, and it was just a mishmash of everything I had saved. My first pass of organizing it, I’m using a Trello board. I’ve got it set to …

Teaching Machines book cover by Audrey Watters

History of EdTech

Have any of you read this book? I just ordered it after hearing an interview with the author on the TeachThought podcast. The interview was interesting, in depth, and had quite a few points that struck me. One that I want to touch on is the podcast host and the author discussed the origins of …

Math Resources

This blog will eventually house some of the many resources I create for my students. Other math teachers have given me so much through their thoughtful free contributions to communities such as Twitter, Facebook groups and websites in general. Most of us have used a TPT somewhere along the line, but it’s just not possible …

Why is it essential for instructional designers to understand learning science?

Effective instructional design requires a foundational understanding of the different theories and perspectives of how people, adults and children, learn.  Without knowledge of how people acquire knowledge and skills, a designer simply cannot create something that has a high likelihood of resulting in that acquisition of learning the targeted information or skill. Let’s think about …