My journey to here began long ago with a BS Cognitive Science from UCSD. Our brains are fascinating!

Guiding question: How can we use what we know to create user interfaces that need no explanations and just work?

In 2015, I was offered the chance to coach a VEX robotics team at a school. Hmmm... yes! From there I launched my transition to a second career as a secondary teacher (math and technology). I added pedagogy knowledge to my cognitive science base, but was there more?

EdTech was then and is now my more. Guiding question: How can I utilize technology to enhance learning in my classroom and in my school.

I currently work for a public charter school as EdTech Manager. In that role, I partner with leadership to design and implement staff onboarding, having worked to gather and create interactive modules for use during the onboarding process. This is an ongoing process, with frequent revisions as needs of staff and school change.

I also work to continually further the seamless integration of technology into our classrooms. Our K12 students are digital natives, and expectations of a classroom experience have changed. I work with all our staff to provide an engaging and accessible (UDL) experience for all learners.

We are an independent study school. As such, our parents are primary educators for their children. This requires extensive materials for those parents in an organized and accessible format. As such, this also falls into my role within the organization. I have been working on upgrading those formerly print-only materials to serve the needs of an increasingly diverse parent population.

Lastly, but certainly not least important, I remain a classroom educator, by choice. The students in our school remain our center. I continue to teach secondary mathematics. So, I design for my own classroom, my own adolescent learners. I'm excited by the challenge of creating accessible, engaging materials carefully created utilizing methods deemed most effective in current learning science literature.

I maintain a wide Personal Learning Network (PLN) of curious individuals who share my interests. I love collaboration and discussion on shared topics.